CBD ( Cannabidiol ) is derived from marijuana, CBD is the second most active ingredient in cannabis. It does not contain tetrahydrocannabinol ( THC ), the psychoactive ingredient found in marijuana that produces high. While CBD is an important component of marijuana it is derived from hemp plants or manufactured in laboratory.

According World Health Organization " CBD exhibits no effects indicative of any abuse or dependence potential…. To date, there is no evidence of public health related problems associated with the use of pure CBD."
CBD Product Labels May Contain The Following Information. What Do They Imply?
- Full-spectrum CBD: These products contain all of the components found in the cannabis plant, including THC, the psychoactive molecule responsible for the "high."
- Broad-spectrum CBD products contain all components apart from THC.
- CBD isolate: These items just contain CBD and no other additives.

CBD has been shown to work as an anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and analgesic. People living with chronic pain also often experience anxiety & CBD has been proven to relive it.
The oil's CBD isolation, full spectrum extract, or broad spectrum extract will all be crucial factors to consider.
What is the most efficient method of consumption?
That is dependent on how you use CBD oil. Sublingual (under the tongue) intake with a spray or tincture is the most reliable approach. The effects of 16 are normally seen within 15 to 45 minutes, according to the American Arthritis Foundation.
Few are best CBD oil for pain (Chronic pain, Post-workout, Migraine, Arthritis )
649/- for 50ml
Benefits of Full-spectrum (Vijaya Leaf Extract) pain management oil- Pain Relief
- Reduces Inflammation
- Lubricates Skin
- Ease Arthritis
- Reduces Swelling
- Improves joint movements
CBD oil can be an effective approach to managing the pain of arthritis. Researchers have also recognized the role that CBD could play in reducing the pain-causing inflammation of arthritis.
CBD for SKIN is beneficial for many skin conditions
1 Acne
Excessive sebum can result in acne. The study indicates that CBD can prevent sebocytes from creating too much sebum. CBD oil contains anti-inflammatory, oil reducing and anti-microbial properties that may help improve acne.
2 Itchy and dry skin
As CBD has anti-inflammatory properties CBD may be particularly useful for reducing potential triggers of
- Eczema
- Dermatitis
- Psoriasis.
3 Wrinkles & aging
CBD oil soothes skin and rejuvanates aging and tired skin. Cannabidiol can reduce the excess sebum production in the skin, It provides soft, supply and radiant-looking skin.
4 Skin infections
CBD has anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties it's used to treat skin infections and also may help with scars, heal skin rashes
Best CBD infused products for skin
649/- (50 ml)
Soothes sensitive skin- For sensitive skin, Full-spectrum Cannabidiol oil provides a very calming effect to the skin
CBD for Anxiety & Depression
Consider trying CBD oil if you're looking for a medication that works and has no negative side effects on the mind or body.

While other herbal remedies have had a mild effect, CBD has proven to be the most effective. The best part is that there are few to no side effects, and any that you do have are incredibly mild.
Top CBD oils for anxiety
499 30 ml
Have anti-inflammatory properties, bergamot oil helps with anxiety enhances sleep quality, the clarly sage oil helps with menopause symptoms, menstrual cramps, acts as a natural depressant.
Anxiety In Pets
Humans aren't the only ones who experience anxiety; pets do as well.
Cannabryl Full spectum oil for dogs (30 ml)
Why choose CBD for your dog it depends on if you’re taking CBD oil for pain, anxiety, seizures, cancer, or another reason, you’ll want more or less CBD. You should look into CBD oil for your pet whether it is facing a medical illness like cancer, or if you're looking to improve your pet's furry coat health.
Advice of a veterinarian is recommended.
CBD For Insomnia
The best way to treat insomnia or sleeping problems is to understand the reason behind it the case, according to experts sleep related issues can be caused due to many reasons mental health, anxiety or depression, PTSD, environmental factors, chronic pain, stress or caffeine
If your insomnia is caused by external circumstances or conditions, CBD may be able to help by treating the underlying reasons.
2999/- (30ml)
Does CBD Really Work?
The amount of CBD you take and how long you take it will be determined by a variety of factors. How CBD works depends on your weight, unique body chemistry, and the extent of your problems. What works for one person may or may not work for another.
Let us know in the comments below if you have ever tried CBD products :)