Having trouble deciding when to use each cannabinoid? We’ve put together this quick guide on the most common health effects, uses, and legal considerations of CBD & THC.
With so many options available, it's an exciting time to be a cannabis consumer. But with all of these choices — it can be tough to know where to start. Arm yourself with a little bit of knowledge, and you can shop with confidence and find the perfect cannabinoid experience for you.
Quick Guide On What's CBD & THC
CBD, also known as cannabidiol, is the second most common active ingredient in cannabis (marijuana). While CBD is an important component of medical marijuana, it is either extracted directly from the hemp plant, a close relative of marijuana, or manufactured in a laboratory.
THC, or tetrahydrocannabinol, is the chemical in marijuana that causes the majority of its psychological effects. It functions similarly to the cannabinoid chemicals produced naturally by the body.
Difference In Effects Of CBD & THC
Many of the medical benefits of CBD and THC are the same. They can provide relief from a variety of conditions. However, CBD and THC affect different brain receptors, and CBD does not produce the euphoric effects that THC does. Because of the absence of this side effect, some people may prefer to use CBD.
According to the World Health Organization, there is no evidence that CBD has any abuse or dependence potential, and there is no evidence that it is associated with any serious side effects.
CBD has been linked to the relief of a variety of medical conditions, including epilepsy, anxiety, inflammation, insomnia, and pain. CBD has no psychoactive properties and will not cause you to experience a "high."
Legality Of Buying CBD In India
CBD Oil manufactured under a license issued under the Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940 may be legitimately used by individuals for medical purposes in India.
It is easy to confuse CBD oil with cannabis or hash oil, but the two are vastly different, both in terms of pharmacology and legal treatment: cannabis or hash oil, unlike CBD oil, is 100% narcotic and is subject to strict monitoring and control in India as per provisions of NDPS Act. It's consumption may also attract provisions of NDPS Act and may result in imprisonment.
If there is any amount of THC in products, you require an ayurvedic doctor's prescription to purchase it.
Want to switch to cannabis based medicines, Need an experts guide? Book online consultation with Ayurvedic doctors that are specialized in CBM - Cannabis Based Medication. (Click Here)
Which cannabinoid to use is determined by the purpose. We've posted a few simple ailment and whether CBD or THC is the best fit for it. However, this is just for a better understanding, doctor's assistance is advised.
Are you excited to start your hemp healing journey? Try these top three best sellers that you will undoubtedly enjoy.
1. Awshad Full Spectrum Oil Tulsi
Made with organic, lab tested and vegan CBD tincture is to help you with healthier gut, insomnia, anxiety, inflammation & acts as a general natural health supplement. (Click here to know more)
Broad spectrum CBD gummies made from 100% natural & vegan CBD with no THC, perfect for daily dose of supplement. Looking for a holistic health supplement for your hair, skin and heart ? Try these out now
3. Whole Leaf Wellness Oral Tincture
Made from organic sativa leaf extract and MCT oil, whole leaf wellness oral tincture does wonder for pain management, improves appetite, helps with sleeping issues and overall health. (Click here to shop now)